Thursday, April 28

new song lyrics - empty

It never ceases to amaze me, the stack of work-in-progress songs I have just sitting around. Some I feel could be excellent songs, some are meh-okay, and some definitely need a lot of work. But I decided to work on one today, and it's starting to come together. I want to start using this blog as a platform to get your thoughts on songs as part of my creative process. Feel free to comment if you like. I always appreciate the input, especially at this early stage. I hope to have a rough draft of the audio soon. 

much love. 


It’s been a long day.
I look in the mirror, surprised by what I see:
I’m so tired, I’m so empty.
Lord, I’ve got nothing left,
Nothing to give You
But my weakness and my failings.
I’m so tired, I’m so empty.

But I hear You call out my name.
You want me, not what I bring.

Empty I come, empty I stand,
Empty I raise my hands to You.
All that I am, all that I have is Yours.
Please take it all.
I give it to You, humble and small as it may be.
I long to be wholly free, I long to be wholly Yours.

I’m crushed by the pressure
To perform, to excel, to be number one.
I’m so tired, I’m so empty.
The world tells me that this, this is the way
To be happy, to be fulfilled
This can’t be all there is.
I’m so tired, I’m so empty.

But I hear You, tugging my heart
Saying, “Child, you are searching for Me.”

This world demands perfection
How I look, how I act, it demands I conform
To this idea of what is perfect, what is beautiful.
But it leaves me empty inside. I long for something more.

I long to hear You say, “Beautiful, you are beautiful just as you are.”
I long to hear You say, “Beautiful, you are beautiful just as you are.”

So Lord, if you’ll have me,
I will come and be yours,
And You will fill my heart.


  1. I've never written a song in my life, so this might be a pretty stupid comment. But in this part of the chorus ("I give it to You, humble and small as it may be. I long to be wholly free, I long to be wholly Yours), I might swap "free" and "Yours." It might be the rhyme-y in me, but "I long to be wholly Yours, I long to be wholly free" sounds better to me..."may be" and then finishing with "free" slides off the tongue easier. Take that with a grain of salt. ;)

  2. I love the words! They are so beautiful and heartfelt.
    The only part I wasn't sure about was the use of "wholly". It can be a weird sounding word. Only a suggestion, but maybe "I long to be completely free, I long to be Yours" Other word suggestions for wholly might be thoroughly, totally, perfectly, fully. Of course, YOU are the artist here, AND I haven't heard a melody so this is just a thought.

  3. I love that both comments regard a mistake I made in typing up the lyrics! haha

    The chorus is supposed to read: "I long to be free, I long to be wholly Yours."

    So Viktorija, the rhyme lies with "free" and "be."

    Laura, love the input. I agree, "wholly" is one of those words where you always wonder... "hole-y??" "holy"??? What is intended? I might take your advice and swap that one out...

    Thanks to you both for commenting. It's always scary (as you well know, Viktorija) to put your work in progress out there for critique. But it makes the finished product that much better.

    Love you both!


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