Wednesday, April 21

Easter Prayer

"Jesus, You are King:
Triumphant Lord and Master of all.

Death could not hold You nor contain You:
You broke its shackle, and You have released us from its curse.

Help us to remember that we are an Easter people,
A Resurrection people, and Alleluia is our cry, our song, our praise to You.

Free us from our graves,
Help us rise from them singing.

Help us to remember this is our time of resurrection too.
This is our new springtime.

You have said, BEHOLD: I do something new.
Help us to claim Your Resurrection.

Help us to go forth, Your empty vessels,
Heads held high, proudly proclaiming to the world:

For that world unbelieving will mock and scorn, "Where is your God now?"

We cry out in jubilation: He is not in the empty grave.

Roll away the stone, for He is ALIVE. He is here. He is risen."

Forever and ever, world without end, AMEN.  

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